9 research outputs found

    Desain Jaringan Fiber Optik Menggunakan Optisystem Untuk Kawasan Kota Pekanbaru

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    Jaringan fiber optik sangat diperlukan sebagai media komunikasi untuk mendukung program smart city.Optik diperlukan karena memiliki kelebihan berupa keunggulan dalam hal kecepatan dan kapasitas transfer data. Perancangan ini dilakukan untuk kawasan Sudirman kota Pekanbaru. Tools yang digunakan dalam perancangan adalah aplikasi Optisystem. Dari hasil perancangan ini didapatkan nilai redaman< -23 dB, rise time mengikuti kode NRZ (70%) , SNR 21,5 dB, dan BER 10-9 bps  yang sesuai dengan standar. Perbandingan antara nilai standar dari lembaga ITU-T didapat hasil yang memenuhi  ketentuan yang telah diberikan, seperti nilai rise time budget yang tidak lebih dari 17 ps, nilai BER yang tidak lebih besar dari 10-9 bps, nilai link power budget yang tidak lebih dari 23 dBm dan nilai SNR yang tidak kurang dari 21.5 dB

    Energy-Efficient Routing Based on Dynamic Programming for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs)

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    Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs) advances can route multimedia applications from source nodes to a sink. However, they require energy efficiency and network lifetime due to limited power resources in the sensor nodes. This paper proposes an energy–efficient routing optimization for multimedia transmission in WMSNs. The optimization utilizes a routing algorithm based on the dynamic programming. The routing optimization algorithm selects intermediary nodes which have minimum energy above 60%. Then, the priority selection of paths immediately finds neighboring nodes which have the greatest energy minimum. If there is the same minimum energy between the neighboring nodes, then the second priority selection is based on smaller link cost

    Pengiriman Data Surveillance Sensing Menggunakan Sistem Nirkabel Pada Frekuensi 433 MHz Untuk Kebakaran Hutan

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    The fires that hit Indonesia in 2015 are considered one of the biggest environmental disasters of the 21st century so far. The World Bank estimates that the 2015 fire crisis cost Indonesia US16billioninforestry,agriculture,tourismandotherindustries.Thesmogcausesrespiratoryandotherillnessesinhundredsofthousandsofpeopleacrosstheregion.Sofar,effortstomitigateforestandlandfireshaveoftenbeencarriedoutbythegovernmentandtheforestfiretaskforce,startingfromcreatinganearlywarningsystem,increasingcommunityparticipation,andforestfirecontroltechniques.However,allofthesemitigationeffortsaremoredominantlycarriedoutafterforestandlandfireshaveoccurred.Whereaswhenafirehasoccurredandthefirehasgrownbigger,firemitigationeffortsbecomemoredifficultandexpensivebecausetheyhavetoinvolvehelicopterstoextinguishthefirefromtheair.Soalandandfiremitigationeffortrequiresonethatiseasytouse,fastandcheaptoimplement,andcanreachawiderareathanaforestarea.Theresearchaimstocreateasurveillancesensingsystemforforestfireforforestfiremitigationbasedondronetechnology,andsensortechnology.Thisresearchisaninnovationanddevelopmentofscienceandtechnologythatisbeneficialtothecommunity,theforestfiretaskforceandthelocalgovernment.Theresearchstagesstartfromthedesign,manufacture,anddesignofasurveillancesensingsystemforforestfireintheTelecommunicationNetworklaboratory.Theoutputofthisresearchisaprototypesurveillancesensingsystemforforestfire.Testresultswithinacertaintimespanindicatethatthesensorisrunningwell.Allsensorsusedwillshowachangeinvaluewhenaheatsourceandfirearedetected.Theaveragetemperaturesensorresultis72.34C.Whilethedustparticlesensorresultis665.45g/m3.Andforairqualitysensorstheaverageis0.225ppm.ForGPSsensordataithas99.516 billion in forestry, agriculture, tourism and other industries. The smog causes respiratory and other illnesses in hundreds of thousands of people across the region. So far, efforts to mitigate forest and land fires have often been carried out by the government and the forest fire task force, starting from creating an early warning system, increasing community participation, and forest fire control techniques. However, all of these mitigation efforts are more dominantly carried out after forest and land fires have occurred. Whereas when a fire has occurred and the fire has grown bigger, fire mitigation efforts become more difficult and expensive because they have to involve helicopters to extinguish the fire from the air. So a land and fire mitigation effort requires one that is easy to use, fast and cheap to implement, and can reach a wider area than a forest area. The research aims to create a surveillance sensing system for forest fire for forest fire mitigation based on drone technology, and sensor technology. This research is an innovation and development of science and technology that is beneficial to the community, the forest fire task force and the local government. The research stages start from the design, manufacture, and design of a surveillance sensing system for forest fire in the Telecommunication Network laboratory. The output of this research is a prototype surveillance sensing system for forest fire. Test results within a certain time span indicate that the sensor is running well. All sensors used will show a change in value when a heat source and fire are detected. The average temperature sensor result is 72.34 C. While the dust particle sensor result is 665.45 g/m3 . And for air quality sensors the average is 0.225 ppm. For GPS sensor data it has 99.5% accuracy. which the Arduino reads before sending. The maximum delivery distance that can be used is 0-40 meters.Kebakaran yang melanda Indonesia pada tahun 2015 dianggap sebagai salah satu bencana lingkungan terbesar abad ke-21 sejauh ini. Bank Dunia memperkirakan bahwa krisis kebakaran tahun 2015 merugikan Indonesia sebesar US 16 miliar dalam bidang kehutanan, pertanian, pariwisata, dan industri lainnya. Kabut asap menyebabkan penyakit pernapasan dan penyakit lainnya pada ratusan ribu orang di seluruh wilayah tersebut. Selama ini usaha mitigasi kebakaran hutan dan lahan sudah sering dilakukan oleh pemerintah dan satgas kebakaran hutan, mulai dari membuat sistem peringatan dini, peningkatan partisipasi masyarakat, dan teknik pengendalian kebakaran hutan. Namun semua usaha mitigasi tersebut lebih dominan dilakukan setelah kebakaran hutan dan lahan telah terjadi. Padahal ketika kebakaran telah terjadi dan api telah membesar, usaha mitigasi kebakaran jadi lebih berat dan berbiaya mahal karena harus melibatkan helikopter untuk memadamkan api dari udara. Jadi suatu usaha mitigasi kebakaran dan lahan membutuhkan yang mudah digunakan, cepat dan murah diimplementasikan, serta dapat menjangkau area yang lebih luas dari suatu kawasan hutan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk membuat surveillance sensing system for forest fire untuk mitigasi kebakaran hutan berbasis teknologi drone, dan teknologi sensor. Penelitian ini sebagai suatu inovasi serta pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat, satgas kebakaran hutan dan pemerintah daerah. Tahapan penelitian dimulai dari perancangan, pembuatan, dan perancangan surveillance sensing system for forest fire di laboratorium Jaringan Telekomunikasi. Luaran dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah prototipe surveillance sensing system for forest fire. Hasil Pengujian dalam rentang waktu tertentu menunjukkan bahwa sensor berjalan dengan baik. Seluruh sensor yang digunakan akan menunjukkan perubahan nilai ketika ada sumber panas dan api yang terdeteksi .Hasil Sensor suhu rata-rata adalah 72,34 º C.Sedangkan hasil sensor partikel debu adalah 665,45 µg/m3 . Dan untuk sensor kualiats udara rata-rata adalah 0,225 ppm .Untuk data GPS sensor memiliki akurasi 99,5%.Untuk proses pengiriman data juga telah berjalan dengan baik karena data yang dikirim dan tersimpan di sd card Arduino penerima telah menunjukkan nilai yang sama dengan data yang dibaca oleh Arduino sebelum dikirimkan. Untuk jarak pengiriman maksimal yang bisa digunakan adalah 0-40 meter

    Cross layer design of wireless local area network for telemedicine application

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    Telemedicine system requires an acceptable network quality of service and cost. IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) technology has been developed to provide scalable and low cost network. For telemedicine application however, the technology does not fulfil the quality of service requirement yet. Therefore, a cross layer design of Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) is proposed to overcome this problem. The cross layer design based on H.264/Scalable Video Coding (SVC) and IEEE 802.1 le Wireless Network has been implemented in NS-2 simulation and IEEE 802.1 le Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) prototype environment. The Network Simulator 2 (NS-2) simulation intends to deliver four traffic flows of telemedicine application with different priorities and to assign telemedicine video considering Quality of Service (QoS) provision over the proposed cross layer design of wireless LAN. In addition, the prototype intends to deliver telemedicine video with Quality of Service (QoS) guarantee over the proposed cross layer design of wireless LAN. The Network Simulator 2 (NS-2) simulation results show that the cross layer design can deliver 99.68 percent of video packets within average delay of 10.66 millisecond. Moreover, the experiments result of the IEEE 802.1 le Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) prototype show that the cross layer design has the average delay value of 0.5 millisecond. Thus, this new design has a potential to be applied in the telemedicine system

    Cross layer design of IEEE 802.11e enhanced distributed channel access wireless network for telemedicine application

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    Telemedicine system requires an acceptable network quality of service and cost. IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN technology has been developed to provide scalable and low cost network. For telemedicine application however, the technology does not fulfil the quality of service requirement yet. In order to overcome this problem, a cross layer design of wireless LAN is proposed. The design is based on IEEE 802.11e Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) and IEEE 802.11g standards in datalink and physical layers. This has been implemented in NS2 simulation environment. The simulation has been performed to deliver four traffics flows with different priorities. Simulation result shows that the cross layer design has better throughput value when delivering the video data than the conventional IEEE 802.11b wireless LAN. Thus, the new design has a potential to be used in telemedicine syste

    Cross layer design of wireless LAN for telemedicine application

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    Telemedicine system requires an acceptable network quality of service and cost. IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN technology has been developed to provide scalable and low cost network. For telemedicine applications however, the technology does not fulfil the quality of service requirement yet. In order to overcome this problem, a new cross layer design of wireless LAN is proposed. The design is based on IEEE 802.11g standard with modification in datalink and physical layer. This has been implemented in NS2 simulation environment. The simulation has been performed to deliver the video data for telemedicine application. Simulation result shows that the new cross layer design has better network quality of service for PSNR (Peak Signal Noise Ratio) and delay values than the conventional wireless LAN. Thus, the new design has a potential to be used in telemedicine system